Soaring Through Time
Tributes to the experience of watching a special Bald Eagle nest in Shepherdstown WV
Friday, April 15, 2011
Eagle Season 2011
Lots of thoughts and memories go here. New Bloggers and old Momsters , Dadsters. Got a comment or a photo, please send.
Eagle Season 2010
My guess is there are many who may want to contribute something here with or without a photo whether or not this was your first year.
Eagle Season 2009
I've only been addicted since 2009 and looking forward to many more years.."I came for the eagles and have stayed for the friendships I've made." PA Nana
Eagle Season 2008
The first time I watched the cam, I was in tears because the smallest eaglet was not getting a portion of the feeding. I then started reading the blog. Little did I know....not only about eagles, but about what a great group of people I was joining. I quickly learned that Littlely was not being starved at all!!!
I felt comfortably "at home" from the beginning. I had a new love in my life. I had new friends who quickly became family. We have been thrilled by our eagles, saddened by Mother Nature. We have shared and cared and prayered. We have come together in fellowship and fun, not only on the blog but in person.
It is now 2011. We are still a wonderful group of Momsters and Dadsters. We've had ups and downs. We lost our lovely Deb. And we've had some drop-outs. We've lost eggs, as well as our most recent eaglet Paddy O'Joy, and possibly our Lib, and many of our own family members and our pets, but we stay strong. As the mighty Eagle has risen from the ashes of near-extinction, we have survived the ups and downs of life. Together, supporting each other, now and forever. I CAME FOR THE EAGLES, BUT I STAYED FOR THE FRIENDSHIPS I HAVE MADE! Hey, I started that one!!! Love you all. Lynn "Hedgie"
I felt comfortably "at home" from the beginning. I had a new love in my life. I had new friends who quickly became family. We have been thrilled by our eagles, saddened by Mother Nature. We have shared and cared and prayered. We have come together in fellowship and fun, not only on the blog but in person.
It is now 2011. We are still a wonderful group of Momsters and Dadsters. We've had ups and downs. We lost our lovely Deb. And we've had some drop-outs. We've lost eggs, as well as our most recent eaglet Paddy O'Joy, and possibly our Lib, and many of our own family members and our pets, but we stay strong. As the mighty Eagle has risen from the ashes of near-extinction, we have survived the ups and downs of life. Together, supporting each other, now and forever. I CAME FOR THE EAGLES, BUT I STAYED FOR THE FRIENDSHIPS I HAVE MADE! Hey, I started that one!!! Love you all. Lynn "Hedgie"
Eagle Season 2007
This is for you. send me your Tribute if this is the first year you watched the cam
Farewell Tributes from 2006
Dear Big Boy, Ms. In Between, and Spunky,
You will never know how much pleasure you gave this old lady for several months in the Spring of 2006. At times it felt like I was literally glued to the computer screen. It was a most enjoyable and entertaining learning experience to see you all and the wonderful parents you had that did such a great job of raising you and making sure you all fledged successfully! What a thrill to be a part of all that and many, many thanks to NCTC! I am looking forward to seeing your parents and next year's hatchlings. But, they will never measure up to the thrill of watching you grow from eggs to fledglings. May your bellies always be full and your predators unable to find you! Iris F Reily who watched you from Florida and Pennsylvania
Never in anyone's imagination could anyone ever dream that "3 eggs in a nest" would bring about such joy and a bond between so many people! We feel a part of your lives and like a human parent we miss you; but we are also thankful and appreciative that you have made and beaten all odds and now you soar like our Master Creator intended you to do, as only God could do! We want you to stay safe as we have released you into His creation!
Commode Town Vicky from IL
The Beginning to the Farewell Ending
by wvagal_vicky
As dark settled in at the nest
In that special sycamore tree
There were always three eaglets
Snuggled along with MsInBetween
They were BigBoy and Spunky
Resting along side of her
Dreams of becoming eagles
Would swirl in their heads
Breakfast of turtles brought in
And Dinner of fish from the river
That flowed close by the tree
Once they fledged back at night
The three would always come to nest
Sleeping near each other to rest
As time went on; they learned more
It was longer times away from home
Now it gets dark around the nest
All three don't come home to rest
They've been stopping by at dark
To say hello then fast out they go
Our eaglets know we wait to see
That's why one or two stop by
To show us they know we wait to see
Yes they know we watch for them
Until time comes they won't show
Then all we'll have is the memories
Three eaglets and their parents
And that nest in the sycamore tree
You flew into our hearts as tiny eggs, we watched you grow and mature
and NOW Our 3 eaglets flies the winds
Majestic... soaring...gliding wings
Hearing your screech sounds from the sky
Come fly with me... come here and fly
My spirit floats to be a part
I feel the beating of its heart
My soul, one with these bird's of NCTC
Now knows the meaning to fly free
We made many visits to the Ole-Sycamore tree, and always all 3 were waiting for me.. You knew my jeep and the shows began..Oh how i just wanted to soar with you
I felt the winds caress my soul
Watching from below you soared the river without a goal
My being trembles of delight
A treasure I received with each passing day and night
Watching you reach new heights
The Eagle's flight of soaring high
The gift of what it means to fly, soar so high in the sky the way it
was ment to be "FREE' American Bald Eagle's soaring in the land of NCTC,
We will always remember you, no matter where you might be..Fly Free Dear Big Boy..InBetween.. and Spunky .. Life will be good for you with all the hopes and prayers from your Eagle Moms and NCTC.
Always In Our Hearts, Nilla
I started watching the nest two days before the first egg hatched. I started reading a little about eagles, and kept watching the cam. By the time #3 hatched, I knew that he had little chance of survival in this world. So I rooted for him, as well as the others. I kept watching, reading, and eventually posting on the blog. All 3 eaglets thrived, and it was so much fun to watch them. I remember when the live cam started and I saw my first live 'poop shot'! My hubby thought I was nuts. My co-workers thought I was obsessed. I've learned a lot from watching our eaglets grow into regal eagles. I've made new friends, and also learned about osprey, Peregrine Falcons, and storks. But the eaglets will always be first in my heart. Thanks to NCTC for making this opportunity available, and a big thanks to Big, InBetween and Spunky for providing so many hours of entertainment!

These three creatures entered my life in March 2006. I was without a clue as to the impact they would have on my life and my heart. I watched them go from three little gray fur-balls to 3 lanky-looking eaglets to three of the most beautiful eaglets I have ever seen. They each have their own personality. I remember when they started moving about in the nest a little bit and I was so afraid one would fall off and then what? I always felt like BigBoy and Ms. InBetween would be alright as they were the oldest and strongest of the three. The little Spunkster was the one that caused me worry. The chances of her surviving were much less than the other 2. I would pray everyday that she would not be one of the statistics I had read about.
I remember when they started flapping their wings and really started putting on a show for us. That part always made me nervous too. Then came fledge day for each one of them. I was so thrilled to see BigBoy take his first flight. The miracle was when he came back to the nest. One down and 2 to go! Then Ms. InBetween went through her couple of extra days of training and was ready to go. BUT the most memorable for me was when Spunky took off. My heart was racing. It was so awesome to see her get ready, hesitate a little bit and just flew off so beautifully. I felt like that when Andrew took his first steps. That is all I know to compare it to. At the same time, I was so scared because I just knew she was going and was so afraid she would be the one that wouldn’t come back. And then a miracle occurred. We had all three back in the nest. That was such a glorious day. I got to watch them learn how to fly off and come back with not so graceful landings. I got to watch Spunky make it through a horrible storm. I got to watch these three little eggs turn into three majestic eagles!! What a miracle this has been in my life.
My words to these precious eaglets are: BigBoy, Ms. InBetween, and Spunky – I pray you have a wonderful life, learn everything you need to learn, go to wherever your spirit sends you, and be the parents to your eaglets that Liberty and Belle were to you. I also know you have felt the spirit from each of us in your spirit. I know I have felt your spirits in mine!! FLY – YOU WONDERFUL SPIRITS IN THE SKY!!
Sharon Farley
Bluefield, WV
This is JanetM from Keyser WV. I am so glad I had the chance to watch this eagle nest in my home state, along with so many people from all over the country. I've been an avid birder for many years, have volunteered at wildlife rehab centers, and handled many birds. But being able to watch this nest was so different, something very few people ever had a chance to do before. It was such a privilege to be there from the beginning, from the time the eggs were laid, and keeping watch over the tiniest little eaglets. To watch all 3 eaglets grow and develop and finally fledge, WOW! Amazing!
I've also met new friends, both on the blog, and in person when I had a chance to visit the nest. All wonderful people, all rooting for our eaglets to make it. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and daily notes with me. Where else would I have learned what a "frap" was! And a great big THANKS to Steven, Todd for your great photos, and everyone at NCTC who made this all possible.
To Big Boy, Ms InBetween and Spunky, I wish the best life for you. Lots of fish (and turtles!), a safe journey, and always "wind beneath your wings." GOD SPEED LITTLE ONES!
Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky. You have enriched my life tremendously! I watched you grow from 3 little eggs, to 3 little fuzzballs, to 3 big Fledglings. I watched as you grew and watched as you took your first flights. Now you are up in the sky just soaring! How wonderful! May you all live long and healthy and happy lives. Find a wonderful mate and have lots of babies of your own. Stay safe. Stay happy! I love you guys!! I will miss you, but you will always be in my heart! Suzanne
For the past five months my life has been absorbed in watching three young
eaglets hatch from eggs to their soaring the limits of the sky. This experience has
been one of the highlights of my life and has brought me so very close to
nature. Watching Liberty and Belle care for and prepare their chicks for their future has been most rewarding. Their parenting skills were exceptional. Should we humans do so well.
Big Boy, Inbetween and Spunky all hold a special place in my heart. The emotions experienced during these past months would be too numerous to even start to mention. The memories will be everlasting in my mind. Closing my eyes I will always be able to see them circling above me higher and higher up into the clouds. Because of this experience there has been the reward of new friends as we all bonded together as Eaglet Momsters. I am certain that these friendships
will last over the years to come and we will continue to watch new eaglets with each season.
Our Eagle family. What a joy they have been. The anticipation of their hatching; wondering if all three would make their way into our lives; the absolute wonder of three tiny beings; the fun watching them grow; the joy/sadness as they fledged; and finally the withdrawal as the empty nest became the daily norm. So many emotions! So many wonderful people to share with or just to read their thoughts. Our eaglets and their parents are without a doubt the most beautiful, majestic eagles around. When I think back over the past five months and remember the huge blog pages, I get all kinds of warm, fuzzy feelings. I thank God for the opportunity to watch the eaglets grow and for the wonderful blessing of each and every one of the eaglemomsters and dadsters. God bless each of you and may He keep our eagle family safe.
Donna T
hi my name is Becky Glasgow i live in Middletown Va.
i truly loved watching the eagles. that is the first thing i did every morning turn on my computer and check on the guys. i left it on all day. from the parents building the nest till the last baby left. i felt like a grandparent. it was amazing to watch. i was sad when the weather didnt cooperate..wondering if they would be okay. when they started wobbling around the nest i would be afraid they would fall out. the parents were the best..they really protected the babies. when the first one left the nest i felt so empty...and ..proud!! i truly hope the parents come back and rebuild and have more babies to watch. they are fantastic part of mother nature..and i am so glad i could be a small part of watching them grow.
Have A Beary Nice Day
My name is Kathy Showalter and I live in Cumberland MD. I watched the Eagles in Shepherdstown WV from the time the parents were fixing the nest until all three of the eaglets left. I now feel like something is missing from my life as there is nothing left to watch but an empty nest. Watching them grow up was the most amazing thing. I felt like they were my own. I worried about them when the weather was bad, when they got too close to the edge of the nest and especially when the camera was off. It was nice to know that I wasn't alone in my feelings. People from both far and near watched the "babies" and cared about them. It was so nice when a group of the "parents" got together and went to visit Shepherdstown. They kept us posted on what was going on while the rest of us were at work or too far away to make the trip. I can't wait until the next nesting season begins. I know I'll be close by watching for more excitement.
Have a nice day!
I cannot even remember how they came into my life, perhaps a random e-mail or phone call from a friend, perhaps web surfing, I truely have no clue. It really doesn't matter though, because the day I saw those tiny little eggs in the nest I was hooked. What a wonderful sight to see such a dedicated mama eagle sitting on those eggs.
Watching Belle and Liberty guard them feed and care for them and usher them off into the world has been the most remarkable experience for me. I have learned of nature and nurture, joy and anxiety, freedom and faithfulness.
I watched them hatch (I actually SAW Spunky hatch on my birthday!)...remember how we all pulled for the little guy and prayed that the tiny #3 eaglet would survive? Always so tiny and so fiesty! Through it all...Belle and Liberty were there, in and out of the nest, feeding and more feeding, keeping those little babies warm in the brisk nights of March, and covering them for the torrential spring rains.
And they began to grow from little fuzz balls to baby eaglets. I remember thinking, wow, they actually look like birds now......but we still wondered if Spunky would make it.......always that question in the back of our head. Rarely does #3 survive, they said....The odds are against him, they said. We watched, and they grew, and they snuggled together, and they grew. It was remarkable to watch the sibling behavior, rivalry, and bonding....
They started turning darker, no longer little grey fuzzies, and feathers started to appear...they grew so fast! How was this possible???? We saw real feathers begin to appear and marveled at it all......wings started flapping, eaglets started jumping and flapping all over the nest. It once had seemed so huge, now it was small.... Then Big Boy fledged...there were tears of joy and pride. We had mothered one eagle into the air......Such excitement!! and building anitcipation. In Between was next.....leaving our little miracle Spunky all alone. He looked so lost a forelorn without his pals.......we began to dread the day he leave. Would they all survive the first flight? Would they come back? Would Belle and Liberty be able to teach all three in the wild as they had in the nest??? So many questions, so much anxiety.... we were literally glued to the pictures on the screen.
On Flag Day little Spunky took to the air....such pride, joy, and anxiety.... how odd to see an empty nest..... would they come back? Would we ever see the three of them together again??? I missed those guys more than I ever dreamed I would when there was no one there, and then one by one they would pop back in to eat, or be fed, or sometimes just to bask in the sun. All three in the nest was now a crowded event, much less when mom & dad showed up.........with turtles, furry things, fish, or whatever the food of the day might be.
Then it happened, they began to spend more and more time soaring the skies, and less time in the nest. We would watch for hours to catch a glimpse...... any glimpse. Were they OK? We had bonded with each other and with our Eagle family. Gradually they took their independence to the skies.....soar on my little friends.
Someday I'll see an eagle gliding high in the air through the mountains of West Virginia, and I'll know its Big Boy, InBetween, or little Spunky!
Stay safe, be proud and SOAR , my friends. Sandy (and Gary B)
We're so very happy for all 3 of you beautiful eagles, and yet sad at the same time. It's been such a blessing to watch you grow and flourish! We love and miss you! - All Our Love, The Fleming Family from Little Falls, NY Sincerely, Lolly Fleming :)
My daughter, a teacher, called & told me about the
eagle nest at NCTC her class was watching on the
Internet---I was so excited I couldn't believe
it-----EAGLES---I would actually be able to watch LIVE
EAGLES----I told all my friends & many strangers about
the eagle nest----When I began watching there were two
eggs----then there were three-----I would get up at dawn
just to get a glimpse of the eggs when the female would
leave the nest in the morning and the male eagle would fly
in----On March 18, 2006, the first little fuzz ball with
very big eyes was hatched----I had no idea what an impact
this family of eagles would have on my life----I never
dreamed I could fall so very much in love with these
fuzzy, awkward, adorable, tiny birds that slept on their
sides with their wings flapped over each other---The
beautiful majestic eagle parents have such excellent
parenting skills, they both share in the care of the
eaglets, and are so tender and loving to them----and what
a BONUS I received when I became an eagle watcher---One
can't imagine what a wonderful friendly group these eagle
watchers are. We watched and worried together----did each
get enough food or will they survive in the wind and rain
storm----No movement of the eaglets or parents went
unnoticed---we all shared in the fun and in the happiness
along with a few tears, as we watched these three little
eaglets grow with the help of their wise
parents----LIBERTY and BELLE---The first eaglet hatched
was BIG BOY, and MISINBETWEEN hatched----then there was
little SPUNKY-----When NCTC installed a live cam---it was
unbelievable----we were ADDICTED---We discussed their
naps, food weather temperature and became very concerned
about all three of them surviving---Liberty and Belle
brought lots of fish, turtles and other animals to the
nest----Every waking moment was spent either watching or
talking about them with these lovely new found friends.
As my children would say "We Bonded"----After the
formation of the Eaglet Momsters group, our friendships
became closer----I can't explain the love and joy these
majestic birds have brought to my life----Big Boy,
MsInBetween and Spunky began to grow in strength and
size----The magic time came for BIG BOY on June 7, he
fledged---on June 9, we watched in awe as MISINBETWEEN
graciously flew out of the nest---and then SPUNKY (my
favorite) waited until Flag Day, June 14, to fledge----My
heart swelled up and I rooted for her like a proud
parent----Our dream of seeing them grow and leave the
nest, was glorious, but also a bit sad, many
tears---smiles, and more tears----I will always carry the
image of my SPUNKY sitting alone in the nest, in my
heart-----and when I remember, I will SMILE---because I am
certain this little family has been a gift from God, and I
feel truly blessed----Please SOAR HIGHER AND HIGHER my
little Eagle Buddies----I feel as if I have held a

I believe this wonderful family of eagles has inspired
all, who have seen their dedication and competence
create, rear and lead this trio of heart-grabbing,
fascinating, young eaglets into the American skies of
the future.
We, who have watched these eagles of the Potomac
in 2006, have gained much to guide us in our own lives.... Jim Pommier
Dear Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky,
It's been a couple of weeks now since I have been able to see you. In my heart I always wonder where you are, and how you are.
I remain absolutely in awe of what I have experienced these past 5 months, because someone who also loved critters told me about an Eagle Cam where the picture would change every 30 secs; and a pair of Eagles were nesting in that spot! I came to watch, and the rest is pretty much history.
It's all been said so many ways with so many different words, and yet, its bigger than I think any of us can actually find the words to express. When I read there were actually 3 eggs here I became excited and yet somewhat frightened to continue to watch this sight. I too had read the statistics. No I didn't even want to think we might lose 1 out of 2 of these still eggs at that point. Then the eggs began to hatch: There's the first little fuzz ball. I didn't know baby eagles were ever fuzz balls. I don't know what I thought they were, but that was the CUTEST little fuzz ball I think I had ever seen. Then there was Fuzz Ball number two. The first one was starting to hold his neck up "Big and Strong". I hoped with all the business of feeding the first two, those parents were keeping that 3rd egg Nice and warm. And there she was finally...our littlest --Miracle--- Spunky.
I could hardly stay away. Several times a day I would look at the cam. Was Mom there? Did she have food? How long had she been sitting like that? Where's Dad? Is he OK? How are those little ones...especially the littlest one. I yearned to see 3 Little heads every time I turned on the camera. I read to see if they had all gotten something to eat. I hated it when it was cold and rainy and loved it when it was warm and sunny. I especially loved it when I knew the Little one had gotten its belly full.
I watched you grow. I loved it when you sat with your little feet sticking out in front of you. In my mind's eye that still makes me chuckle. I have Never seen a bird lie down and sprawl out. Do all eagles do that, or were you putting on a show for your human Mamas.
Anyway you have all 3 grown and fledged into Beautiful Young Eagles now. I can't see you in person, but in my heart I see you Soar Proudly. I shall never forget the Spring of 2006.
I had always thought "I Loved Eagles". Well in a way that is so true, BUT this time its very different. I now love 5 eagles with names. 3 of them I must let go, and really have no hopes that I shall see them with my eyes again, but there are "talon tracks across my heart and I think on my very soul" and they belong to Big Boy, Ms InBetween, and Spunky "our Spunkster". I am changed in a way I can not express but it is deep within my soul.
I pray the One who Created you to "Soar Like and Eagle" will watch over each of you every day of a very long magnificent life. You are each loved and missed, but you will STAY FOREVER cherished in my heart!!!
Belle and Liberty, because of you two I have had the most amazing 5 months of my life as far as nature is concerned. I so look forward to seeing you both in the late winter early spring. There are several pairs of eagles out there on web cams now I have learned...BUT no other pair has successfully raised 3 eaglets to my knowledge. Please come back. We will be right here to cheer you on in the Fall.
Glo Quad Cities, IL
A Video full of memories from this season. Some photos well before March 30 when I started to Blog. I was always planning a special place for this Eagle Family.
You will never know how much pleasure you gave this old lady for several months in the Spring of 2006. At times it felt like I was literally glued to the computer screen. It was a most enjoyable and entertaining learning experience to see you all and the wonderful parents you had that did such a great job of raising you and making sure you all fledged successfully! What a thrill to be a part of all that and many, many thanks to NCTC! I am looking forward to seeing your parents and next year's hatchlings. But, they will never measure up to the thrill of watching you grow from eggs to fledglings. May your bellies always be full and your predators unable to find you! Iris F Reily who watched you from Florida and Pennsylvania
Never in anyone's imagination could anyone ever dream that "3 eggs in a nest" would bring about such joy and a bond between so many people! We feel a part of your lives and like a human parent we miss you; but we are also thankful and appreciative that you have made and beaten all odds and now you soar like our Master Creator intended you to do, as only God could do! We want you to stay safe as we have released you into His creation!
Commode Town Vicky from IL
The Beginning to the Farewell Ending
by wvagal_vicky
As dark settled in at the nest
In that special sycamore tree
There were always three eaglets
Snuggled along with MsInBetween
They were BigBoy and Spunky
Resting along side of her
Dreams of becoming eagles
Would swirl in their heads
Breakfast of turtles brought in
And Dinner of fish from the river
That flowed close by the tree
Once they fledged back at night
The three would always come to nest
Sleeping near each other to rest
As time went on; they learned more
It was longer times away from home
Now it gets dark around the nest
All three don't come home to rest
They've been stopping by at dark
To say hello then fast out they go
Our eaglets know we wait to see
That's why one or two stop by
To show us they know we wait to see
Yes they know we watch for them
Until time comes they won't show
Then all we'll have is the memories
Three eaglets and their parents
And that nest in the sycamore tree
You flew into our hearts as tiny eggs, we watched you grow and mature
and NOW Our 3 eaglets flies the winds
Majestic... soaring...gliding wings
Hearing your screech sounds from the sky
Come fly with me... come here and fly
My spirit floats to be a part
I feel the beating of its heart
My soul, one with these bird's of NCTC
Now knows the meaning to fly free
We made many visits to the Ole-Sycamore tree, and always all 3 were waiting for me.. You knew my jeep and the shows began..Oh how i just wanted to soar with you
I felt the winds caress my soul
Watching from below you soared the river without a goal
My being trembles of delight
A treasure I received with each passing day and night
Watching you reach new heights
The Eagle's flight of soaring high
The gift of what it means to fly, soar so high in the sky the way it
was ment to be "FREE' American Bald Eagle's soaring in the land of NCTC,
We will always remember you, no matter where you might be..Fly Free Dear Big Boy..InBetween.. and Spunky .. Life will be good for you with all the hopes and prayers from your Eagle Moms and NCTC.
Always In Our Hearts, Nilla
I started watching the nest two days before the first egg hatched. I started reading a little about eagles, and kept watching the cam. By the time #3 hatched, I knew that he had little chance of survival in this world. So I rooted for him, as well as the others. I kept watching, reading, and eventually posting on the blog. All 3 eaglets thrived, and it was so much fun to watch them. I remember when the live cam started and I saw my first live 'poop shot'! My hubby thought I was nuts. My co-workers thought I was obsessed. I've learned a lot from watching our eaglets grow into regal eagles. I've made new friends, and also learned about osprey, Peregrine Falcons, and storks. But the eaglets will always be first in my heart. Thanks to NCTC for making this opportunity available, and a big thanks to Big, InBetween and Spunky for providing so many hours of entertainment!

These three creatures entered my life in March 2006. I was without a clue as to the impact they would have on my life and my heart. I watched them go from three little gray fur-balls to 3 lanky-looking eaglets to three of the most beautiful eaglets I have ever seen. They each have their own personality. I remember when they started moving about in the nest a little bit and I was so afraid one would fall off and then what? I always felt like BigBoy and Ms. InBetween would be alright as they were the oldest and strongest of the three. The little Spunkster was the one that caused me worry. The chances of her surviving were much less than the other 2. I would pray everyday that she would not be one of the statistics I had read about.
I remember when they started flapping their wings and really started putting on a show for us. That part always made me nervous too. Then came fledge day for each one of them. I was so thrilled to see BigBoy take his first flight. The miracle was when he came back to the nest. One down and 2 to go! Then Ms. InBetween went through her couple of extra days of training and was ready to go. BUT the most memorable for me was when Spunky took off. My heart was racing. It was so awesome to see her get ready, hesitate a little bit and just flew off so beautifully. I felt like that when Andrew took his first steps. That is all I know to compare it to. At the same time, I was so scared because I just knew she was going and was so afraid she would be the one that wouldn’t come back. And then a miracle occurred. We had all three back in the nest. That was such a glorious day. I got to watch them learn how to fly off and come back with not so graceful landings. I got to watch Spunky make it through a horrible storm. I got to watch these three little eggs turn into three majestic eagles!! What a miracle this has been in my life.
My words to these precious eaglets are: BigBoy, Ms. InBetween, and Spunky – I pray you have a wonderful life, learn everything you need to learn, go to wherever your spirit sends you, and be the parents to your eaglets that Liberty and Belle were to you. I also know you have felt the spirit from each of us in your spirit. I know I have felt your spirits in mine!! FLY – YOU WONDERFUL SPIRITS IN THE SKY!!
Sharon Farley
Bluefield, WV
This is JanetM from Keyser WV. I am so glad I had the chance to watch this eagle nest in my home state, along with so many people from all over the country. I've been an avid birder for many years, have volunteered at wildlife rehab centers, and handled many birds. But being able to watch this nest was so different, something very few people ever had a chance to do before. It was such a privilege to be there from the beginning, from the time the eggs were laid, and keeping watch over the tiniest little eaglets. To watch all 3 eaglets grow and develop and finally fledge, WOW! Amazing!
I've also met new friends, both on the blog, and in person when I had a chance to visit the nest. All wonderful people, all rooting for our eaglets to make it. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and daily notes with me. Where else would I have learned what a "frap" was! And a great big THANKS to Steven, Todd for your great photos, and everyone at NCTC who made this all possible.
To Big Boy, Ms InBetween and Spunky, I wish the best life for you. Lots of fish (and turtles!), a safe journey, and always "wind beneath your wings." GOD SPEED LITTLE ONES!
Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky. You have enriched my life tremendously! I watched you grow from 3 little eggs, to 3 little fuzzballs, to 3 big Fledglings. I watched as you grew and watched as you took your first flights. Now you are up in the sky just soaring! How wonderful! May you all live long and healthy and happy lives. Find a wonderful mate and have lots of babies of your own. Stay safe. Stay happy! I love you guys!! I will miss you, but you will always be in my heart! Suzanne
For the past five months my life has been absorbed in watching three young
eaglets hatch from eggs to their soaring the limits of the sky. This experience has
been one of the highlights of my life and has brought me so very close to
nature. Watching Liberty and Belle care for and prepare their chicks for their future has been most rewarding. Their parenting skills were exceptional. Should we humans do so well.
Big Boy, Inbetween and Spunky all hold a special place in my heart. The emotions experienced during these past months would be too numerous to even start to mention. The memories will be everlasting in my mind. Closing my eyes I will always be able to see them circling above me higher and higher up into the clouds. Because of this experience there has been the reward of new friends as we all bonded together as Eaglet Momsters. I am certain that these friendships
will last over the years to come and we will continue to watch new eaglets with each season.
Our Eagle family. What a joy they have been. The anticipation of their hatching; wondering if all three would make their way into our lives; the absolute wonder of three tiny beings; the fun watching them grow; the joy/sadness as they fledged; and finally the withdrawal as the empty nest became the daily norm. So many emotions! So many wonderful people to share with or just to read their thoughts. Our eaglets and their parents are without a doubt the most beautiful, majestic eagles around. When I think back over the past five months and remember the huge blog pages, I get all kinds of warm, fuzzy feelings. I thank God for the opportunity to watch the eaglets grow and for the wonderful blessing of each and every one of the eaglemomsters and dadsters. God bless each of you and may He keep our eagle family safe.
Donna T
hi my name is Becky Glasgow i live in Middletown Va.
i truly loved watching the eagles. that is the first thing i did every morning turn on my computer and check on the guys. i left it on all day. from the parents building the nest till the last baby left. i felt like a grandparent. it was amazing to watch. i was sad when the weather didnt cooperate..wondering if they would be okay. when they started wobbling around the nest i would be afraid they would fall out. the parents were the best..they really protected the babies. when the first one left the nest i felt so empty...and ..proud!! i truly hope the parents come back and rebuild and have more babies to watch. they are fantastic part of mother nature..and i am so glad i could be a small part of watching them grow.
Have A Beary Nice Day
My name is Kathy Showalter and I live in Cumberland MD. I watched the Eagles in Shepherdstown WV from the time the parents were fixing the nest until all three of the eaglets left. I now feel like something is missing from my life as there is nothing left to watch but an empty nest. Watching them grow up was the most amazing thing. I felt like they were my own. I worried about them when the weather was bad, when they got too close to the edge of the nest and especially when the camera was off. It was nice to know that I wasn't alone in my feelings. People from both far and near watched the "babies" and cared about them. It was so nice when a group of the "parents" got together and went to visit Shepherdstown. They kept us posted on what was going on while the rest of us were at work or too far away to make the trip. I can't wait until the next nesting season begins. I know I'll be close by watching for more excitement.
Have a nice day!
I always knew I loved Eagles and had some kind of connection with them because of the verse Isiah40:31 was always my favorite.Never did I know I would come to spend my time watching a cam that refreshed of a pair of American Bald Eagles that would lay 3 eggs and then watch as the two parents took turns sitting on those eggs and turning them. Then we were told by Steve that usually 3 do not survive. It is the smallest that we should expect not to make it. Under my watchful eye I seen the first one hatch. It was so wobbly and could not hold itself up. I was so worried that something was already wrong. As I watched and blogged talking with people. Watching the parents feed this tiny chick. Then the 2nd one hatch and there were two to be fed. This never seem to bother these two parents. The supply of food just kept coming. Finally the 3rd one hatch..I really began to worry. Will it get food...will it be ok. It seems like sometimes the two others got more food than the little one. I would talk to the parent feeding, "please feed the little one hasn't had anything yet". Then we would see finally it getting fed. As the live feed came on some could not get it they could only get the refresh. So us that had the live feed would type for
the others what was happening step by step. As the chicks got older. I remember one time typing something like this; MsInBetween has food and won't let Spunky have any. Wait Spunky is moving a little closer. MsInBetween is mantling her food so he can't have any. Wait Spunky is sneaking closer in ...he did it, he did it, he stole some food from MsInBetween. We were all excited on the blog and so happy Spunky was learning to steal food if he couldn't get it any other way. Each time the people that only could get the refresh cam. Would type something about what we were telling them. They were so happy just as if they could see Spunky doing it. I can't remember to this day how they got the names the three got. As they grew and they began to hop around the nest. The nest seem to get small. Then even smaller when the wing flapping started. It looked like the one flapping would knock the other two out of the nest. Although everything worked out just fine even when more than one was doing wing exercising at the same time. Their feathers changed, their size changed and they still stayed dependent on the parents to feed them. Sometimes though when the parent brought in the food one of the two older ones would snatch it from the parent and mantel it. Wow again us bloggers would get excited. They were learning to do what their future would be requiring them to do later. Fledging day came for them and all but Spunky had fledged and returned.
We kept wondering is today the day Spunky will fledge. Then that BIG TERRIBLE storm came. How it didn't blow that eaglet out of the nest. Only God knows that answer. Spunky did try to trick us bloggers one day. Making us think he had fledged only to find him on a branch. Ha Ha wetold him that doesn't qualify as a "fledge". The parents would fly out around the nest trying to get him to leave. Even the other two came into the nest and would fly how. Like saying, "Spunky here is how you do it". No he was not ready...Then Flag Day came and to our happiness, excitement and beauty....he saved Flag Day to fledge!!!!!!! Oh so "proud" of him we were. Now that is an American Bald Eaglet doing a fledge on Flag Day!!! We were worried when we did not see them back in the nest. Saying they must be at the river learning to fish. Maybe they are soaring the sky with Mom and Dad learning to fly better. Then all of a sudden "flop"into the nest one would come not landing very well and tired as could be. Home to rest in the place they knew the nest where they grew. I can remember the time when someone said, "let's give them better names". I thought no we have thousands of post that say MsInBetween, Big Boy and Spunky. That is when we decided to name the parents. So we had a poll and many names were thrown into the pot. As you know the final outcome was the male to be known as "Liberty" and the female to be known as "Belle". I'll end by saying I did not know in the beginning how this would touch me so much.Three eagle chicks and two bald eagle parents. How it would change my life and bring me together with people that I got to meet and many that I have never gotten to meet but feel as if I have. No the eaglets nor the parents were banded. So we never know for sure what has happened to BigBoy, MsInBetween and Spunky. In my heart of hearts I feel they grew into full adult hood, soaring the skies, found a mate and have their own nest. Raising their young just as they were taught my their parents Liberty and Belle. I love those 3 eaglets and their wonderful parents that taught me and others so much tenderness they showed towards their young. Soar free with my love you take with you not only the three eaglets but Liberty and Belle also. wv_dana
I cannot even remember how they came into my life, perhaps a random e-mail or phone call from a friend, perhaps web surfing, I truely have no clue. It really doesn't matter though, because the day I saw those tiny little eggs in the nest I was hooked. What a wonderful sight to see such a dedicated mama eagle sitting on those eggs.
Watching Belle and Liberty guard them feed and care for them and usher them off into the world has been the most remarkable experience for me. I have learned of nature and nurture, joy and anxiety, freedom and faithfulness.
I watched them hatch (I actually SAW Spunky hatch on my birthday!)...remember how we all pulled for the little guy and prayed that the tiny #3 eaglet would survive? Always so tiny and so fiesty! Through it all...Belle and Liberty were there, in and out of the nest, feeding and more feeding, keeping those little babies warm in the brisk nights of March, and covering them for the torrential spring rains.
And they began to grow from little fuzz balls to baby eaglets. I remember thinking, wow, they actually look like birds now......but we still wondered if Spunky would make it.......always that question in the back of our head. Rarely does #3 survive, they said....The odds are against him, they said. We watched, and they grew, and they snuggled together, and they grew. It was remarkable to watch the sibling behavior, rivalry, and bonding....
They started turning darker, no longer little grey fuzzies, and feathers started to appear...they grew so fast! How was this possible???? We saw real feathers begin to appear and marveled at it all......wings started flapping, eaglets started jumping and flapping all over the nest. It once had seemed so huge, now it was small.... Then Big Boy fledged...there were tears of joy and pride. We had mothered one eagle into the air......Such excitement!! and building anitcipation. In Between was next.....leaving our little miracle Spunky all alone. He looked so lost a forelorn without his pals.......we began to dread the day he leave. Would they all survive the first flight? Would they come back? Would Belle and Liberty be able to teach all three in the wild as they had in the nest??? So many questions, so much anxiety.... we were literally glued to the pictures on the screen.
On Flag Day little Spunky took to the air....such pride, joy, and anxiety.... how odd to see an empty nest..... would they come back? Would we ever see the three of them together again??? I missed those guys more than I ever dreamed I would when there was no one there, and then one by one they would pop back in to eat, or be fed, or sometimes just to bask in the sun. All three in the nest was now a crowded event, much less when mom & dad showed up.........with turtles, furry things, fish, or whatever the food of the day might be.
Then it happened, they began to spend more and more time soaring the skies, and less time in the nest. We would watch for hours to catch a glimpse...... any glimpse. Were they OK? We had bonded with each other and with our Eagle family. Gradually they took their independence to the skies.....soar on my little friends.
Someday I'll see an eagle gliding high in the air through the mountains of West Virginia, and I'll know its Big Boy, InBetween, or little Spunky!
Stay safe, be proud and SOAR , my friends. Sandy (and Gary B)
We're so very happy for all 3 of you beautiful eagles, and yet sad at the same time. It's been such a blessing to watch you grow and flourish! We love and miss you! - All Our Love, The Fleming Family from Little Falls, NY Sincerely, Lolly Fleming :)
My daughter, a teacher, called & told me about the
eagle nest at NCTC her class was watching on the
Internet---I was so excited I couldn't believe
it-----EAGLES---I would actually be able to watch LIVE
EAGLES----I told all my friends & many strangers about
the eagle nest----When I began watching there were two
eggs----then there were three-----I would get up at dawn
just to get a glimpse of the eggs when the female would
leave the nest in the morning and the male eagle would fly
in----On March 18, 2006, the first little fuzz ball with
very big eyes was hatched----I had no idea what an impact
this family of eagles would have on my life----I never
dreamed I could fall so very much in love with these
fuzzy, awkward, adorable, tiny birds that slept on their
sides with their wings flapped over each other---The
beautiful majestic eagle parents have such excellent
parenting skills, they both share in the care of the
eaglets, and are so tender and loving to them----and what
a BONUS I received when I became an eagle watcher---One
can't imagine what a wonderful friendly group these eagle
watchers are. We watched and worried together----did each
get enough food or will they survive in the wind and rain
storm----No movement of the eaglets or parents went
unnoticed---we all shared in the fun and in the happiness
along with a few tears, as we watched these three little
eaglets grow with the help of their wise
parents----LIBERTY and BELLE---The first eaglet hatched
was BIG BOY, and MISINBETWEEN hatched----then there was
little SPUNKY-----When NCTC installed a live cam---it was
unbelievable----we were ADDICTED---We discussed their
naps, food weather temperature and became very concerned
about all three of them surviving---Liberty and Belle
brought lots of fish, turtles and other animals to the
nest----Every waking moment was spent either watching or
talking about them with these lovely new found friends.
As my children would say "We Bonded"----After the
formation of the Eaglet Momsters group, our friendships
became closer----I can't explain the love and joy these
majestic birds have brought to my life----Big Boy,
MsInBetween and Spunky began to grow in strength and
size----The magic time came for BIG BOY on June 7, he
fledged---on June 9, we watched in awe as MISINBETWEEN
graciously flew out of the nest---and then SPUNKY (my
favorite) waited until Flag Day, June 14, to fledge----My
heart swelled up and I rooted for her like a proud
parent----Our dream of seeing them grow and leave the
nest, was glorious, but also a bit sad, many
tears---smiles, and more tears----I will always carry the
image of my SPUNKY sitting alone in the nest, in my
heart-----and when I remember, I will SMILE---because I am
certain this little family has been a gift from God, and I
feel truly blessed----Please SOAR HIGHER AND HIGHER my
little Eagle Buddies----I feel as if I have held a

I believe this wonderful family of eagles has inspired
all, who have seen their dedication and competence
create, rear and lead this trio of heart-grabbing,
fascinating, young eaglets into the American skies of
the future.
An exerpt from a poem by James Gates Percival
seems to capture the spirit of these
American Bald Eagles:
The Eagle
Bird of the broad and sweeping wing
Thy home is high in heaven,
Where wide the storms their banners fling,
And the tempest clouds are driven.
Thy throne is on the mountain top;
Thy fields---the boundless air;
And hoary peaks that proudly prop
The skies, thy dwellings are.
seems to capture the spirit of these
American Bald Eagles:
The Eagle
Bird of the broad and sweeping wing
Thy home is high in heaven,
Where wide the storms their banners fling,
And the tempest clouds are driven.
Thy throne is on the mountain top;
Thy fields---the boundless air;
And hoary peaks that proudly prop
The skies, thy dwellings are.
We, who have watched these eagles of the Potomac
in 2006, have gained much to guide us in our own lives.... Jim Pommier
Dear Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky,
It's been a couple of weeks now since I have been able to see you. In my heart I always wonder where you are, and how you are.
I remain absolutely in awe of what I have experienced these past 5 months, because someone who also loved critters told me about an Eagle Cam where the picture would change every 30 secs; and a pair of Eagles were nesting in that spot! I came to watch, and the rest is pretty much history.
It's all been said so many ways with so many different words, and yet, its bigger than I think any of us can actually find the words to express. When I read there were actually 3 eggs here I became excited and yet somewhat frightened to continue to watch this sight. I too had read the statistics. No I didn't even want to think we might lose 1 out of 2 of these still eggs at that point. Then the eggs began to hatch: There's the first little fuzz ball. I didn't know baby eagles were ever fuzz balls. I don't know what I thought they were, but that was the CUTEST little fuzz ball I think I had ever seen. Then there was Fuzz Ball number two. The first one was starting to hold his neck up "Big and Strong". I hoped with all the business of feeding the first two, those parents were keeping that 3rd egg Nice and warm. And there she was finally...our littlest --Miracle--- Spunky.
I could hardly stay away. Several times a day I would look at the cam. Was Mom there? Did she have food? How long had she been sitting like that? Where's Dad? Is he OK? How are those little ones...especially the littlest one. I yearned to see 3 Little heads every time I turned on the camera. I read to see if they had all gotten something to eat. I hated it when it was cold and rainy and loved it when it was warm and sunny. I especially loved it when I knew the Little one had gotten its belly full.
I watched you grow. I loved it when you sat with your little feet sticking out in front of you. In my mind's eye that still makes me chuckle. I have Never seen a bird lie down and sprawl out. Do all eagles do that, or were you putting on a show for your human Mamas.
Anyway you have all 3 grown and fledged into Beautiful Young Eagles now. I can't see you in person, but in my heart I see you Soar Proudly. I shall never forget the Spring of 2006.
I had always thought "I Loved Eagles". Well in a way that is so true, BUT this time its very different. I now love 5 eagles with names. 3 of them I must let go, and really have no hopes that I shall see them with my eyes again, but there are "talon tracks across my heart and I think on my very soul" and they belong to Big Boy, Ms InBetween, and Spunky "our Spunkster". I am changed in a way I can not express but it is deep within my soul.
I pray the One who Created you to "Soar Like and Eagle" will watch over each of you every day of a very long magnificent life. You are each loved and missed, but you will STAY FOREVER cherished in my heart!!!
Belle and Liberty, because of you two I have had the most amazing 5 months of my life as far as nature is concerned. I so look forward to seeing you both in the late winter early spring. There are several pairs of eagles out there on web cams now I have learned...BUT no other pair has successfully raised 3 eaglets to my knowledge. Please come back. We will be right here to cheer you on in the Fall.
Glo Quad Cities, IL
A Video full of memories from this season. Some photos well before March 30 when I started to Blog. I was always planning a special place for this Eagle Family.
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